Institution Derivatives | INDIA | |||
11/04/2011 MANDATEVolatility Remains... The Nifty opened on a positive note soon made a day-high of 5927 thereafter selling pressure set-in in heavy weight stocks which bought the index down to a low of 5822 and finally end the day @ 5842 down by 0.8%. The index traded in a range of 105 points during the day. The Nifty futures were at premium 13 points towards close. Major contributors to the gains within the index were BHARTIARTL, ITC, LT, CAIRN, GRASIM while TATAMOTORS, HINDALCO, SBIN, INFOSYSTCH, ICICIBANK contributed negatively. Among the sectoral indices major losers were (Chg %):REALTY(-2.5);AUTO(-1.9);CD(-1.5);PSU(-1.4);OIL&GAS(-1.3). Below average volumes of Rs 962bn were observed in the derivatives segment. The market-wide open interest is at Rs 1282bn up by 2% and Futures Open Interest at Rs 508bn down by 0.6%. NIFTY Option’s Open Interest Distribution: APR-2011 Substantially high put option open interest buildup is at 5700-5800 strikes with 129k+ & 108k+ contracts each. Maximum call option open interest buildup is at 6000 – 5900 with 145k+ & 128k+ contracts respectively. Fresh Put options added position by 18k+ contracts at the 5700 strikes each. Fresh Call options added position by 15k+ contracts at the 6000 strikes. Put options reduced position by 9k+ contracts at the 5900 strikes. Technically, resistance is seen around 5940-6020 levels and support around 5800-5750. Quick Links: F Today Board Meetings, Securities in Ban Period, NEW LISTING.#Max Futures Open Interest Increase :- BAJAJHLDNG,HINDOILEXP,OIL,ESSAROIL,ONMOBILE,ANDHRABANK,INDIANB,AUROPHARMA,HINDALCO,NTPC # Top Non-Nifty OI (Px% OI%):- BAJAJHLDNG : -5,25 HINDOILEXP : 2,22 OIL : -3,20 ESSAROIL : 5,18 ONMOBILE : -6,16 Max Delivery Increase :- # Top Non-Nifty Del(px% Del%) :- BAJAJHLDNG : -5,1314 ANDHRABANK : -4,832 SKUMARSYNF : 7,785 HINDOILEXP : 2,733 TATACHEM : -1,728 MANDATE Member-Report Web Links : (If clicking on these links does not open the reports, then copy and paste this link in you web browser) | |||
BAJAJHLDNG : -5,1314 ANDHRABANK : -4,832 SKUMARSYNF : 7,785 HINDOILEXP : 2,733 TATACHEM : -1,728
Institution Derivatives Desk
MF Global Sify Securities India Pvt. Ltd.
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MF Global Sify Securities India Pvt. Ltd. has three independent equity research groups: Institutional Equities, Institutional Equities Derivatives and Private Client Group. This report has been prepared by Institutional Equities Derivatives. The views and opinions expressed in this document may or may not match or may be contrary at times with the views, estimates, rating, target price of the other equity research groups of MF Global Sify Securities India Pvt. Ltd.
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